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Nurturing Growth: The Transformative Influence of Mentorship

Nurturing Growth: The Transformative Influence of Mentorship - The Future Of Education Summit

Mentorship and networking groups have long been the domain of professions outside the classroom, so it is incredible to be moving towards a time when mentorship is not only supported but encouraged for teachers and educators. Mentorship offers profound support  and insights to enhance the educators personal and professional growth. This post delves  into the transformative influence of mentorship, tracing its significance across various  stages of an educator's career. 

As underscored by Dwoskin (2020), mentorship serves as a form of "people insurance,"  providing educators with a trusted source of guidance and wisdom in moments of  uncertainty. Particularly for early-career teachers, the value of a mentor who walks  alongside them cannot be overstated. During this phase, educators often grapple with the  intricacies of school procedures, technology integration, and nurturing relationships with  their students, their teaching teams, with parents and community members. A mentor  within their own context can offer invaluable support and reassurance. 

As educators transition into middle leadership roles, the mentorship dynamic evolves. Now,  they should aim to seek advisors who can challenge and deeply question their decision making processes, fostering critical reflection and professional growth. Goff-Dupont (2019)  emphasizes the importance of seeking mentors outside one's immediate context,  individuals who bring fresh perspectives and unconventional insights. These external  mentors, often occupying desired roles or possess diverse expertise, enriching the  developmental journey. 

As educators ascend to senior leadership positions, the role of mentors remains pivotal. In  fact, I would suggest that it becomes even more important. As school leaders are beginning  to retire earlier (perhaps my next blog might discuss the burnout crisis), a question remains:  How are we preparing our next layer of leaders, so they are not only suitably qualified and  experienced, but they are willing to take on the responsibilities of leading a school? Stringer  (2016) highlights the transformative power of mentors in shaping identity, navigating  challenges, and leveraging experiences for growth. Beyond offering guidance, mentors serve  as navigators, providing perspectives and connections that surpass traditional learning avenues. In essence, mentorship epitomises a reciprocal exchange of knowledge,  experience, and support.  

As educators navigate the complexities of their careers, embracing mentorship in its various  forms becomes imperative for fostering continuous growth and resilience. What are the  pitfalls of not having that critical friend to help you process difficult decisions? Well, I would  suggest that doing it solo is a very lonely journey. If it takes a village to raise a child, it surely  takes a tribe to support the people leading the village. 

Personally, I have had the very fortunate experience of having mentors walk beside me,  guide and challenge me throughout my career. Now as I operate as an executive leader, I  have mentors who are in industries inside and outside of education. People who can  challenge me and push me to view complex situations through different lenses. My mentors  have watched me fail, succeed and everything in between. They have helped pick me up,  push me forward and cheer me along. I am now delighted to be mentoring other aspiring  leaders. This is a privilege and one I do not take for granted. To be a mentor to someone is  an opportunity to reflect on your own practice whilst you are supporting them with their  decision making, planning and goal setting. It is an opportunity to give back, to feel inspired  and hopeful. There is no doubt that for both the mentor and mentee there are significant  benefits.  

Recognizing the paramount importance of mentorship, the Future of Education Summit  team is committed to supporting educators at every stage of their journey. In 2024, we  proudly launch the "Nurturing Excellence through Mentorship" Breakfast. It is at this event  aspiring educational leaders will have the opportunity to connect with experienced mentors  who can provide personalized guidance and support. The summit team will match each  participant with two mentors who will have a personal mentoring session with them. This  unique event will not only explore innovative mentoring strategies but also provide a  platform for educators to set and achieve their professional goals. Visit The Future Of Education Summit to find out more and to book your ticket to the  breakfast. 

About The Author:

Meagan is an experienced Senior Leader in Prep – Year 12 contexts. She is a strategic thinker and leader with a particular skillset in innovation and managing pedagogical change. Currently, Meagan is the Deputy Principal at Canterbury College where she oversees the quality and development of the holistic, all-around education offering at the College. She leads forward-thinking teaching and learning, co-curricular, service and leadership strategy and is the Chief of Staff. Meagan has a proven ability to develop and sustain productive relationships within the school community including tertiary providers, professional networks and the wider community. Meagan holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Sydney and a Master of Education (Gifted Education) from the University of New England. She is a published author and has extensive experience facilitating panels, podcasts and other engagements. Meagan is the co-founder and creator of the Future of Education Summit and is the East Coast facilitator for Ed Leaders. Meagan was on the 2022 Educators Hot List for her work in leading large scale innovation projects. She has had extensive experience teaching and working in independent school settings across Australia. Meagan has held leadership positions including Head of Faculty (Inclusive Learning), Director of Teaching, Learning and Academic Performance, Director of Innovation and she now serves her community as Deputy Principal.


• Dwoskin, J, 2020, ‘The Power of Mentorship’, Forbes, 3 September, viewed 18 April  2024,  

Goff-Dupont, S, 2019, “The Life-Long Learner’s Guide to Mentorship”, Work Life, 16  October, viewed on 18 April 2024, The life-long learner’s guide to mentorship - Work  Life by Atlassian 

Stringer, H, 2016, “The life-changing power of mentors”, Monitor on Psychology, 1  June, vol. 47, p. 54, viewed on 18 April 2024,  


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