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Deliver A 40-Minute Workshop To Share Your Expertise And Experience At The Future Of Education Summit!

We’re looking for future-focused educators working on exciting projects in the education space. At the Future Of Education Summit 2024 we are excited to be hosting a series of 40-minute workshops that will see educators from across the country sharing their insights and learnings from leading future-focused projects in the classroom.

This is an opportunity to showcase the work you’re leading, whilst also connecting with a community of like-minded educators working to inspire and empower their students. If this sounds like you, we invite you to submit an overview of your proposed masterclass below. If successful you will be given a complimentary ticket to the summit and invited to present your 40-minute masterclass as part of the official summit program.

Whether you're an early career teacher, school leader, edtech founder, or community changemaker, we want to hear what innovative work you're leading in the education space. Here is some more information to keep in mind when applying to present a Future Focused Learning Experience: 

Key Details

Audience: Predominantly K-12 Educators 

Audience Size: 30-60 Attendees

Time Length: 40 Minutes 

Date: Thursday 25th July 2024

Time: 10:45am - 12:30pm

Presentation Space

You'll be presenting in a classroom space with attendees sitting at tables in small groups.

You'll have access to a screen with a speaker as well as pens and paper for attendees if you require them. You are welcome to bring any additional resources you may need to deliver the session.


How It Works

We will have four Future Focused Learning Experiences running concurrently with attendees able to select the one that interests them the most.​

If selected, we will be using your workshop title and description to promote the session to attendees as they to curate their own program. 

What We're Looking For

These Future Focused Learning Experiences are designed to give attendees actionable insights, ideas and learnings that  they can apply in their school communities post summit.


The aim of these sessions are to share knowledge, insights, and learnings from the projects you've led yourself in an educational setting, or the content area you are an expert in. 

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When it comes to curating our program for the summit, we'll be looking for Future Focused Learning Experiences that link with our key summit themes as found below:

Cross-Curricular Learning Experiences

Building A School Of The Future

Entreprenuership, Innovation & STEM

Online & Hybrid Learning Design

Building A Culture Of Change

The Future Of Work

Partnerships With Industry

Technology In The Classroom

Thinking Big On A Budget

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In 2023, we had eight outstanding Future Focused Learning Experiences on offer for our attendees. Delivered by educators in schools across the country, these experiences were designed as an opportunity for attendees to learn from the experiences, insights, and advice of educators building schools and classrooms of the future. You can find out more about the learning experiences on offer by clicking on the graphics below: 

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Applications for the Future Focused Learning Experiences are currently open and will be assessed on a first come first served basis until the Summit program is complete. To submit your application to present, please complete the form below. 

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